Welcome to Jambo Body Piercing
Jambo Body Piercing has been serving Northeast Alabama for over ten years and has even been fortunate enough to have clients travel from states away for their piercing and fine jewelry needs. We strive to create a comfortable and pleasant piercing experience for everyone we interact with. We stay up to date with piercing techniques and sterilization and only use jewelry safe for piercing in accordance with Alabama state law.
Open Tuesday-Saturday

Meet The Team
Brian started getting pierced in the 90s and never looked back. During his time in the Army, he started to seek an apprenticeship for piercing and would spend over twenty years trying to get his foot in the door. His love for the industry shows in his dedication for learning and growing as a piercer rather than becoming stagnant. His devotion to his clients and business is evident by how many clients have spread his name as the go-to man for piercing and jewelry needs. He has spent over ten years as an established piercer and dedicated his time to educating and helping clients. He recognizes the history of the industry and respects all those who came before him paving the way for piercing to be what it is today. He is not willing to put his clients at risk to make a quick profit and has done his best to share knowledge with clients at the dangers of poor quality jewelry.
Ash has always been interested in the body modification world. Since childhood they saw the ability piercings had to not only adorn a body but bring newfound confidence to a person. After getting her first real body piercing at 15 she was hooked. Spending several years doing her own research and trying to find a reputable piercer near them, they walked into Jambo Body Piercing and walked out with a fresh piercing and a career. After starting at Jambo Body Piercing in March of 2021 Ash threw herself headfirst into the world of piercing and hasn't looked back. Eventually she found herself in the world of custom curations and cultivated knowledge and skills along with awesome clients that trust her to choose jewelry and piercings for them.She is currently apprenticing to do piercings full time.

Client Testimonials

213 Main Street East Rainsville AL, 35986
Tel: 256-638-8360
Instagram: Jambo Body Piercing
Twitter: Jambo Piercing
Facebook: Jambo Body Piercing

We pierce only using safe jewelry from Companies such as Neometal, BVLA, Glasswear, Anatometal, LeRoi, and more. We offer a large selection of options and anodize jewelry in house. We sterilize all our jewelry and any necessary tools and needles before piercing to help ensure decreased risk of infection.
Jewelry Changes/ Upgrades
We also sell jewelry on it's own for anyone who needs it. We are also able to custom order pieces for clients.. We know not all piercers may use responsible and body safe jewelry and are more than happy to upgrade jewelry for anyone who walks through our doors. We are the only shop within 45 miles that offers exclusively implant grade jewelry within Alabama Health Department regulations.
Custom Ear Curation
Ash offers custom ear curations taking anatomy, current piercings and styling goals into mind. Starting with a thirty minute in shop consultation; she will go over preferred styles, colors, and then take photos and measurements of your ears. She will then spend time photoshopping pieces onto your ears and stay in contact with you making sure you like the direction the curation is taking. Curation can be a long process and clients should expect a minimum of six months for a curation to be complete including piercings and jewelry.

What jewelry do you use?
Can we bring our own jewelry?
Do you use a piercing gun?
We used only implant-grade jewelry in accordance with Alabama state law and recommended by The Association of Professional Piercers. We are fortunate enough to purchase from notable companies: BVLA, Neometal, Anatometal, Interstellar, LeRoi, Glasswear Studios, Diablo Organics, and more coming soon.
Do you accept walk-ins?
Yes, we want to be able to give all the time a client needs and wants during a piercing and never want to rush a piercing to make the next appointment. If we were forced to make appointments we would be running further behind than your doctor. We do any piercing that is safe ie: no tongue tip piercings or horizontal lip piercing.
No, due to all the unsafe low-quality jewelry on the market that causes problems with healing we will not pierce you with outside jewelry. We strive to maintain a sterile environment and don't want to risk cross-contamination by piercing with outside jewelry.
Do you pierce minors?
Yes, as long as their school is okay with it and a parent or legal guardian is present to sign for them we will pierce minors. This does not include genital or nipples. We also pierce infants' ears, while we would prefer for them to be able to ask for the piercing because bodily autonomy is important, if it's between us and an unsafe piercing we will do it.
No, piercing guns are highly unsafe for a multitude of reasons. They cannot be properly sanitized, they pierce using blunt force trauma, and they are normally operated by someone who has only watched a video and pierced cardboard during their "training". They were originally designed to tag cattle, and you are not cattle. They are the only guns we want banned.
What should I expect?
When you first enter you will be greeted, and we will show you all the jewelry options and find something you love. We take you back to the piercing room and have you choose the music you'd like to listen to. We discuss pricing and can change the color of the metal of most jewelry through anodizing. We place the needle, jewelry, and any necessary tools into the autoclave to sterilize. Once that is done we will do your paperwork and aftercare. We will show you proof of sterilization and then decide on placement. If applicable we will measure for a hoop ensuring the best placement. We prep the area and mark it making sure you are happy with the placement. We will show you how the jewelry functions, and once you are ready we will pierce you.